Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Poll...

Has anyone seen the survey at the bottom of my Blog?  I am curious as to what everyone is majoring in, so I figured I would ask.

The Poll closed on September 30th, but with only one response so far, I figured that I would update the end date.  It will now remain open until December 30th.

If you get a moment, please look below and answer the question.

Thank you for your time,


Friday, October 15, 2010

If I had a hammer...

A hammer is a good tool.  It can be used for builing stuff, hanging things on the wall, tearing down things, and even removing nails or whatever was used to hand things on a wall.  The hammer is an extremly versitle tool.  The hammer also has some good qualities when it comes to art.  Have you ever seen a hammer look like this?

Tell me what you think of my hammer... :D